Ford Crankshaft Shop 1917
Ford Motor Crankshaft grinding Department with 50 miles of belting used to drive machinery. Notice the large quantities of material in this typical job shop. Photo from a series of postcards from around 1917, presumably by Ford Motor. Copyright expired and hence the images are in public domain.
- File Name: Ford-Crankshaft-Shop-1917.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 510.92 KB
- Dimensions: 1877 x 1153
- Date: May 5, 2020
- SEO Title: Ford Crankshaft Shop 1917
- SEO Description: Ford Motor Crankshaft grinding Department with 50 miles of belting used to drive machinery. Notice the large quantities of material in this typical job shop.
- SEO Keywords: Ford, 1917, Postcards
- Post or page attached: A Frequent Mistake—Undoing an Assembly Line—Part 2, Why Are Job Shops Always Such a Chaotic Mess? Part 1,