The Mysteriously vanishing Check and Act
Illustration of the Vanishing Check and Act of the PDCA. Based on Magic poster of Alexander “Crystal Seer” from 1910. Image File:Poster of Alexander Crystal Seer.jpg in public domain, available on Wikimedia Commons, originally from the library of congress.
- File Name: PDCA-Vanishing-Act.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 239.71 KB
- Dimensions: 523 x 1389
- Date: April 12, 2016
- SEO Title: The Mysteriously vanishing Check and Act
- SEO Description: Illustration of the Vanishing Check and Act of the PDCA. Based on Magic poster of Alexander "Crystal Seer" from 1910.
- SEO Keywords: pdca, Shewart Cycle, PDCA Plan, Do Check, Act, failure, history
- Post or page attached: Common Mistakes with the PDCA (and Some History),