White Beads Necklace
Necklace of white lenticular beads,ca. 1802–1450 B.C. From Egypt, Memphite Region, Lisht North, Cemetery south of pyramid, House A1, so-called “faience factory”, MMA excavations, 1920–22. Used as an illustration for sequencing. From Image 557242 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in Public Domain.
- File Name: White-Beads-Necklace.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 55.77 KB
- Dimensions: 1197 x 613
- Date: May 14, 2019
- SEO Title: White Beads Necklace
- SEO Description: Necklace of white lenticular beads,ca. 1802–1450 B.C. From Egypt, Memphite Region, Lisht North, Cemetery south of pyramid, House A1, so-called "faience factory", MMA excavations, 1920–22. Used as an illustration for sequencing.
- SEO Keywords: Product Dependent Workload, sequencing, perlenkette, capacity adjustment, mixed model sequencing, mixed model balancing,
- Post or page attached: Mixed Model Sequencing – Summary,