Ancient Egyptian Eye Beads
String of 27 Eye Beads,6th–3rd century BC From Egypt. Used as an illustration for sequencing. From file 570193 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in Public Domain.
- File Name: Ancient-Egyptian-Eye-Beads.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 117.67 KB
- Dimensions: 1450 x 743
- Date: May 14, 2019
- SEO Title: Ancient Egyptian Eye Beads
- SEO Description: String of 27 Eye Beads,6th–3rd century BC From Egypt. Used as an illustration for sequencing.
- SEO Keywords: Product Dependent Workload, sequencing, perlenkette, capacity adjustment, mixed model sequencing, mixed model balancing,
- Post or page attached: Mixed Model Sequencing – Complex Example Verification,