Logo Kärcher and Siemens
Logo of Kärcher and Siemens, for an article on a plant visit of Kärcher and Siemens. Both logos trademarked. Kärcher logo from File:Kärcher Logo 2015.svg and Siemens logo from File:Siemens-logo.svg, both from Wikimedia Commons.
- File Name: Logo-Kärcher-and-Siemens.png
- File type: png
- File size: 55.53 KB
- Dimensions: 3567 x 1659
- Date: August 8, 2019
- SEO Title: Logo Kärcher and Siemens
- SEO Description: Logo of Kärcher and Siemens, for an article on a plant visit of Kärcher and Siemens. Both logos trademarked.
- SEO Keywords: Kärcher Logo, Siemens Logo
- Post or page attached: Industry 4.0 Tour in Germany – A Van Full of Nerds – Kärcher and Siemens,