Watchmaker Dominique Loiseau at work. Image File:DLoiseau.jpg by Mentalitanissarda and kindly licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license on Wikimedia Commons. Thank you, Mentalitanissarda.
- File Name: Watchmaker.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 89.25 KB
- Dimensions: 907 x 468
- Date: September 16, 2015
- SEO Title: Watchmaker
- SEO Description: Watchmaker Dominique Loiseau at work
- SEO Keywords: Watchmaker
- Post or page attached: Visit the Shop Floor or Your People Will Fool You! – Genchi Genbutsu, Taiichi Ohno’s Chalk Circle, Pay Attention to Details – Operator Training at Toyota and Scania,