5 Why agressive
Illustration of a manager asking 5 Why aggressively to a subordinate. Based on image Stock Photo ID: 123150608 by Copyright: studiostoks with permission from BigStockPhoto, modified by me. One of the very few instances where I use the font “comic sans”, my apologies!
- File Name: Bigstock-5-Why.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 252.82 KB
- Dimensions: 900 x 675
- Date: June 23, 2018
- SEO Title: 5 Why agressive
- SEO Description: Illustration of a manager asking 5 Why aggressively to a subordinate. One of the very few instances where I use the font "comic sans", my apologies!
- SEO Keywords: 5 why
- Post or page attached: Toyota Practical Problem Solving (PPS)—Targets and Root Causes, All About 5 Why,