Uriah Heep a character in Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield. From The Personal History of David Copperfield, pg. 480-81, Toronto : Musson Book Co., 1910. Artwork by Frank Reynolds (1876-1853). Illustration of bookkeeping or accounting. File:Uriah Heep from David Copperfield art by Frank Reynolds.jpg from Wikimedia and in public domain.
- File Name: Uriah_Heep.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 469.12 KB
- Dimensions: 1588 x 1704
- Date: January 13, 2015
- SEO Title: Bookkeeper
- SEO Description: Uriah Heep a character in Charles Dickens' David Copperfield. From The Personal History of David Copperfield, pg. 480-81, Toronto : Musson Book Co., 1910. Artwork by Frank Reynolds (1876-1853). Illustration of bookkeeping or accounting.
- SEO Keywords: Uriah Heep, bookkeeping, accounting, clerk
- Post or page attached: The Danger of Management by Numbers, On the Team Structure at Toyota, Standards Part 5: How to Use and Improve a Standard, Delivery Sequences: FIFO, LIFO, and Others, Basics of CONWIP Systems (Constant Work in Progress),