Supermarket Checkout
Woman at Supermarket Checkout looking for money and slowing everybody else down. Staged image by Robert Kneschke and used with permission through Fotolia
- File Name: Fotolia_-Woman-at-Checkout.jpg
- File type: jpg
- File size: 51.73 KB
- Dimensions: 424 x 283
- Date: June 4, 2015
- SEO Title: Supermarket Checkout
- SEO Description: Woman at Supermarket Checkout looking for money and slowing everybody else down. Staged image by Robert Kneschke and used with permission through Fotolia
- SEO Keywords: Supermarket Checkout, waiting, line, queue
- Post or page attached: Reducing Lead Time 1 – Inventory, Effect of Prioritization on Waiting Times, A Small Dice Game for the Kingman Formula, A Eulogy for Little’s Law,