Comments on: The Difference between the Toyota Production System and Lean Manufacturing Organize your Industry! Sat, 08 Jun 2024 04:10:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christoph Roser Sat, 08 Jun 2024 04:10:07 +0000 Hi Jane Schmane, first: I have worked as an employee of Toyota in Japan for 5 years, and I have since interviewed and talked with countless Toyota managers and other employees. I DO know what I am talking about. I stand by my comments (albeit since i wrote the article I also have seen 5S at Toyota, as the western 5S is reintroduced over the Toyota 4S). Thank you.

By: Jane Schmane Thu, 06 Jun 2024 23:33:13 +0000 Hoping I can help add clarity around a couple of these.

“Waste (Muda) does indeed come from Toyota, but it is much more prominent in the Western world. The West also added an eighth type of waste (unused human creativity), or even more (I found up to twenty-four types of waste when googling around).”
There are 7 types – but, like a rainbow the acronym is used ROYGBIV, there are many other colors exist. TPS is not black and white – it is a consistent experiment and analysis, this includes what constitutes waste and if you are doing a productivity improvement or lead time reduction. An example would be “Looking for Work” – this would be notated in an MIFC as sharking – whereas productivity improvement or standardized work it would be abnormality.

“Kaizen events for short improvement sessions are not used at Toyota.”
This is inaccurate. Incremental improvements is one of the key concepts to ensure quality and result management of a Kaizen or countermeasure. Most of these are trialed day-of to see quick results before implementation.

“Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is called Material and Information Flow Analysis (MIFA) at Toyota. While it is one cornerstone in lean, it is only a minor and much less standardized tool at Toyota.”
This is extremely inaccurate. Value Stream Mapping and Material and Information Flow CHART (MIFC) are 2 completely different tools – both have value. The key difference is MIFC is a Just-In-Time tool that looks at stagnation and other forms of waste to reduce LEAD TIME of both material AND information following material in real time. You do the 3 conditions of MIFC to create your Kaizen Strategy. It is not that one is better than the other – it is what the PURPOSE of your activity is and using the correct tool to align.

“5S at Toyota is only 4S. The Western addition of 5: Shitsuke for “Sustain, Self Discipline” is for Toyota the same as 4: Seiketsu for “Standardize.” I found even sources for 6, 7, and even 8S (Shukan for “Style”; and the English words Safety and Security).”
This is also not true, Toyota uses 5S as well.

It is 100% okay to reach out and interview TPS practitioners at Toyota. I’m saying this in the hope that the next article will not be based on Google – but people who actively practice it everyday.

By: Christoph Roser Fri, 07 Jul 2023 07:49:57 +0000 Dear Osamu, good to hear from you again. I wish Prof. Hiroaki Satake’s book would be available in English…

By: osamu higo Wed, 05 Jul 2023 21:45:01 +0000 I always recommend Lean Practitioners,
Forget 2 Pillars of JIT and Jidoka.
Instead, study 2 pillars Pull and Multi-Process Handling. (this idea comes from Pro. Hiroaki Satake. I introduced his good/right book again and again on Linkedin).

By: Christoph Roser Wed, 05 Jul 2023 07:28:01 +0000 Hello Alexander, lots of good suggestions. On 5S: I already have 4S (and 5,6,7, or even 8S) on my blog post on 5s
The others are also good suggestions. I put them on my (way too long) list of possible blog post, not sure when I get around to write them.

By: Alexander Eckstein Tue, 04 Jul 2023 08:09:53 +0000 Hallo Christopher,

a very nice Post. Thank you again

From my perspective, a highly interesting aspect and a great blog idea would be to explore the tools utilized by Toyota that are lesser-known in the Western world.
For example:
Shokuba Ryo-ku , 4S = 5S without Sustain (unachivable), Yokoten, YK-Y, Jishuken Projekte, Nemawashi…

By: Audren Rouvillois Sun, 02 Jul 2023 09:26:32 +0000 Clear and to the point, as usual. You are nailing it.
I can so relate to “All too often, lean is seen as some tool that can be bought and then delegated to someone in the lower ranks of hierarchy. The people below should change, but of course not the person on the top.”
And I love the qualificative “abominable” for the X-Matrix. So true! Filling it just for the sake of ticking the box to say you filled it.

By: Rokibul Islam Sat, 01 Jul 2023 18:46:36 +0000 Thank you so much for the great article.
I would like to add A3 problem solving as well !

Toyota practices QC Circle activities but Mr. John Shock coined/ popularized that concept through a new term “A3” !


