Comments on: On the Team Structure at Toyota Organize your Industry! Fri, 28 Apr 2023 14:35:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: serge CARON Fri, 28 Apr 2023 14:35:45 +0000 Very interesting article regarding Team Structure. I’m working in the Trucks/Construction Machine Industry and we have identified the Team size as a trigger for improvement.
The Team size is very important but the way Toyota works with the small Team is much more important for me : They are deeply involved in their process (I can say they own their process) and they have the autonomy to improve it and to try new ideas. In our western companies, most of the time, improvement are performed by manufacturing engineers. We think our People are involved, but we only ask them their feedback and it is definitively not involvement. Another important point is the way the support functions collaborate with the front line : most of the time, operators are skilled enough to take decision (maintenance, quality, ..) and the support function are there to bring expertise and to train and develop the People.

By: Joseph Monczunski Wed, 12 Apr 2023 14:22:01 +0000 Good post covering a unique concept
Small Teams do prove to be beneficial to a company. A team Leader is as good as his/her desire to perform the role they applied for. As a former team leader, I took pride in my opportunity to make our work as efficient as possible. This required establishing relationships with key personnel in my support network (maintenance, quality, safety, and union).
With a unified support network in place, a lot can be accomplished at the floor level supporting jidoka (Built in Quality). If any link in this support chain breaks, it can take you back to firefighting daily just to make production. So, make your choice and good luck

By: Carl Klemm Wed, 05 Apr 2023 06:28:40 +0000 An excellent post covering a vital topic.
The Toyota system is founded upon the “family”. The team leader does all of the things mentioned, acting in the role of “0lder Sibling” to the team. Hence no ability to discipline formally, only to explain and convince. The Cummicho or Group Leader is the parent figure.
This allows much freedom of communication and has the ability to treat individuals as people, rather than simply as assets. It also provides a sense of belonging to the team member, even on an organisation of thousands.
For more information please see “The Balance Of Excellence” available as paperback or ebook from Amazon world-wide.

By: Jay Bitsack Tue, 04 Apr 2023 14:42:37 +0000 Hi Christoph,
Good info here… And in the section pertaining to why the West does not follow a similar tact in using a low leader to worker ratio to improve value-added-time performance, the answer – you highlight the reason as being that it has everything to do with overarching GAAP protocols. As such, that reason begs the larger question of whether or not the traditional/mandated method of tracking a business’ performance does not actually create a barrier to the implementing LEAN BEST PRACTICES ala the combination of the TPS/WAY?

As a footnote… it certainly has struck me over the years (decades) that this is the case and that attempting to do anything close to what Toyota is capable of doing is akin to the Sysiphean scenario/punishment of having to push a boulder up a hill… only to have it roll back down again once it reaches the top. This phenomenon essential remains unresolvable without dealing with its root cause(s). And as such, it makes for a good environment for continuously selling/promoting various [incomplete] aspects of Lean THINKING AND BEHAVING… but NEVER the whole enchilada as in TRUE LEAN THINKING AND BEHAVING ala the combination of TPS/WAY.

Bottom line: Here’s the $64/fly-in-the-ointment question… Realistically speaking/thinking, is pursuing TRUE LEAN THINKING AND BEHAVING actually a lost cause in the West (i.e., any company subject to following GAAP) or is doing the “FAKE” Lean thing (i.e., using a piecemeal approach) actually adding more VALUE (for customers) than is being WASTED in TIME/EFFORT (for company employees)?

By: Robert Cenek Tue, 04 Apr 2023 12:00:43 +0000 Your observation on “why we don’t do that in the West” is totally on target. To meet aggressive cost controls, we tend to staff with very high spans of control, resulting in the team lead or supervisor feeling like a “hamster on a treadmill.” Additionally, those individuals are often inundated with non-value added administrative work that limits their ability to hang at the Gemba.

By: Ali Zlitni Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:32:43 +0000 very good reading thanks !
we hear often about “autonomous teams” or “cross-functional teams” in several industries where someone from production and from other support function (methods, Q, SC…) meet on daily basis to solve issues and talk about KPIs…
Would you recommend a team leader for this task or rather for the manager (of the team leaders)?
Thanks in advance!
