Comments on: The Impact of ChatGPT on the Future of Work Organize your Industry! Sun, 25 Feb 2024 10:45:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christoph Roser Thu, 23 Feb 2023 04:13:05 +0000 Hi Andrey, good article by The Register. They put a lot of money in ChatGPT (and others). But The payoff can also be quite huge.

I am also a bit worried about “being buried within mountains of AI-generated fluff on ad view farms”. Already there are at least 200 kindle books on Amazon with ChatGTP being credited as a (co) author, meaning there are probably thousands more where ChatGTP was NOT credited. Worrisome!

By: Andrey A Sun, 12 Feb 2023 01:55:01 +0000 With ChatGPT, we are well on the way to creating a world where the majority of remaining economic opportunities consist of menial physical labor with subsistence wages, and marriage into a family with old money.

Depending on how things turn out, Guillotine Technician might become one of the more stable and secure career choices. Besides actually operating it, someone will still need to sharpen the blade, grease the skids, inspect the cables, and all the small things that need to be done regularly to keep the machine in good working order. That and emptying the basket full of severed heads into a big dumpster or something.

But on a more serious note, fluent command of English language outside of USA and EU will most likely be no longer a marketable skill. A lot of lower remote jobs that are currently outsourced to Asia due to lower labor costs will almost certainly disappear in five years, at this rate. The cheapest of cheap labor can’t compete with a machine that costs money once and then works for free.

On a similar note. Prof Roser, I don’t see AI taking over writing your blog anytime soon. But do consider the possibility of your writing being buried within mountains of AI-generated fluff on ad view farms.

The Register actually did a pretty good take on generative AI here:

By: Madison Drezek Wed, 08 Feb 2023 19:20:55 +0000 This is a really interesting blog post. I have heard about ChatGPT in my university courses, and have even had professors encouraging us to use it for assignments. Thinking about lean, I wonder if ChatGPT will become the new Google one day. There is a lot of waste in scrolling through page after page looking for the perfect website, and maybe ChatGPT could turn into our one-stop-shop for information in the future. Keep up the interesting posts!

By: Stephen Melia Tue, 07 Feb 2023 18:03:46 +0000 ChatGPT has been talked about in a couple of my classes and it truly it the biggest AI technology based out there when coming to responding to text. There are certain things this ChatGPT cant do yet but since its not even been a year since its been created The world is growing at such a fast rate that the future is going to be all based off of AI which is scary to think about especially in the working world. I thought this article was very interesting and important in the business world and in technology in general that will really change the future for this world.

By: Tobias Knipping Tue, 07 Feb 2023 11:17:32 +0000 Hello Christoph,

as always your posts inspire to think about the future

Not only about the way we produce in the future, but also what we should teach our children to find their way in this fast changing world.

In a hurry, I don’t have an answer to this yet….

But thank you for your inspirations!

Many greetings

By: Xie Xuan Tue, 07 Feb 2023 11:09:59 +0000 ich überlege, ob ich durch ChatGPT Deutsch üben kann. Ich muss auf jeden Fall ausprobieren.
