Comments on: Manufacturing in a War Zone – Part 2 Organize your Industry! Wed, 14 Sep 2022 19:22:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Braeden Cannon Wed, 14 Sep 2022 19:22:01 +0000 Hello, I think you make some great points which I tried to summarize below:
War will disrupt supply chains
– Similar to those in peacetime, just larger
– Risks are greater
– One of the biggest disruptions might be time, so make sure you clearly communicate your situation to customers
Risk assessment – this analysis will help with potential solutions
Train employees in emergency scenarios as form of mitigation
Don’t forget about the mental health effects of these attacks
Protect institutional knowledge of company –> have backups of data

Although I think some of the examples you give may be somewhat obsolete with war related technological advancements, I think the underlying concepts can still be applicable. I believe they can even be applicable to non war-time scenarios too such as clearly communicating with customers your given situation and, like you mentioned, having backups of crucial data.

By: Steve Milner Tue, 16 Aug 2022 16:27:06 +0000 Hmmm! I’m not sure how relevant all of this is to the usual stuff, although I understand your motives. A couple of -maybe also irrelevant- points:
– in the early days of WWII, the RAF used small bombs on factories. They didn’t seek to blow equipment to smithereens, just wreck the roof and let the weather do the damage
– German aircraft manufacture reached its peak in 1944, when Allied bombing had also reached a peak. Sourcing aircrew and fuel was a different matter….
– around 1992 I visited a paint factory in Sheffield. The floor was very bumpy, and paint was carried around in large open-topped tanks which inevitably sloshed around, spilled onto the floor and made it bumpier when it dried. This had been going on for 50 years since the Luftwaffe bombed it! They’d holed the roof and spoiled the floor …a pity they’d not used incendiary bombs and forced the company to make a fresh start!
